Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Anthrax Attack on the United States for Bacillus - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAnthrax Attack on the United States for Bacillus Anthracis. Answer: Given that the United States can be attacked with a bio-weapon and the identity of the attacker remain a mystery, how seriously should we as a nation take this threat? Since no one was ever convicted for these crimes, could this embolden others to try and carry out similar attacks due to the apparent ease of escaping prosecution? A nation should take the threat that is posed by biological weapon very seriously and implement new measures that will help in mitigating the threat posed by this deadly weapon that can cause a huge amount of destruction. It is caused on account of Bacillus Anthracis which is the bacterium that spreads this disease. The bacterium creates spores that lie dormant when subjected to harsh conditions and they are reactivated on being inhaled (Tao et al., 2017). When they come into contact with the skin, the skin gets affected leading to deterioration in ones health. The spores of anthrax can withstand harsh climate and hence the threat posed to a nation remains acute. No one being ever convicted for this crime would embolden the terrorists and they would find this weapon very suitable for them. Since it is very difficult to trace the person who was responsible for spreading this disease hence the criminals in the modern age are trying to build up these weapons that will be catastrophic for a nation (Ellis, 2014). Given the danger and complexity of handling anthrax spores, what is the likelihood that a novice could pull off such an attack without having access to a research laboratory? Was the FBI correct in focusing mainly on bio-weapons researchers early on in the investigation? Could this have given them "tunnel vision" and prevented them from looking at other less likely suspects? To make the anthrax will require the skill sets of an experienced person. It deals with a lot of chemical products and the intricacies of the weapons make it extremely difficult for a novice to carry out such an attack. One should be well acquainted with the necessary temperature along with that of the carbon dioxide level that will be necessary for activating the dormant spore. The spores have to be ground to less than 5 micons so that they can remain aerosolized will require the master services of an individual who is well acquainted with different chemicals and the domain of biotechnology (More, 2015). It cannot be done individually and will require the help of expert people who will be able to carry out such an attack. The FBI was not correct in focusing only on bio-weapons researcher because such an attack can be carried out by someone who has acute knowledge about animal skins, chemicals and different processes of technology. The letters could be the result of terrorist act that is sponsored by the state or it can also be the work of a terrorist organization that functions internationally. It can also be the work of a domestic based group or it may even be an isolated act (Dormady, Szelazek Rose, 2014). Concentrating only on bio researchers will send the investigators in a wrong trail and in the initial stages of the organization they should not focus on any particular group but carry out a detailed investigation in all areas. Business records should be analysed and corporate information should be glossed through in order to specifically identify any organization who could have acted as a motivator in carrying out the anthrax attack for some financial gain. Bio-pharmaceutical along with veterinary industries should be interrogated thoroughly in order to find out the perpetrators of this crime. 3) Since many of those killed were post office employees, how could we set up screening processes at mail distribution centers to stop similar attacks in their earliest stages? Is the current BioDetection Systems set up by the United States Postal Service (USPS) a good first start? Since anthrax is basically a living spore and can be killed by gamma irradiation, should all letters be subjected to this type of radiation in order to kill any possible anthrax spores hidden inside? How much could this hinder the efficient delivery of mail within the United States? The facility of package screening can be incorporated within the remote delivery system and they will trace all the items. Mail along with packages will be screened and sorted in this facility in order to detect the infiltration of any hazardous chemical. The campus and office security system can render helpful service for protection. Mail centres that have a single room, a containment system called the NPMR can be integrated to provide protection. Intrusion detection system, X-ray screening room that contains blast equipment and package quarantine rooms can help in detecting any threat. The communication system for internal and external along with emergency power generator can prove to be immensely helpful. Mail center personnel should be undergoing a security check before they start their work. Mail centres need to possess redundant capabilities that is consistent with the operation plan of the organization. An off-site mail centre can provide superior protection as compared to one that is situated within the main floor of the primary office building. A CBRNE screening process will be able to identify medium to high risk. In case of low risk facility, visual screening that is done aggressively along with X-ray screening can prove to be adequate (Fajardo et al., 2015). An HVAC system that is isolated can identify medium risk in relation to mail borne threats. The mailroom should be sealed from all sides and there should be instruments that will be able to check the pressure relationship that is established by an isolated system. The United States Postal Service biohazard detection system makes use of latest technology and it was designed solely in respect to the postal service. It makes use of sophisticated DNA matching that will be able to check anthrax presence within the mail. It is instrumental in collecting air samples from different mail cancelling equipment as it operates. Northrop Grumman and Smiths Detection of Edgewood were responsible for designing the BDS system which is operating in Baltimore processing since the year 2002. Cepheid Inc. In Sunnyvale and Sceptor Industry of Kansas City were the other members who were involved in the designing of the hi-tech BDS system (Alakpa Collins, 2015). The BDS equipment collects all the samples of air when the mail goes through cancelling machine. The air borne particles are absorbed within a water base that is sterile. A liquid sample is then created that can be subject to testing. Afterwards, the liquid sample is put into the cartridge and the DNA match is then done. The tests done shows that 4.0k gamma radiation carried out over a 12 minutes can completely inactivate Erwinis Herbicola. Bacillus atropheus powdered dry can be inactivated with 25k gamma ray by subjecting it above 75 minutes and Bacillus atropheus can be held in liquid suspension over a period of 105 minutes in order to inactivate it (Lundberg Willis, 2015). The results bring out the fact that spore preparations can be sterilized by using gamma radiation. Proper planning can ensure that not sufficient amount of time is lost while the letters are subjected to this process. This is done for the security of people so even if a bit more time is required in the mail delivery system the people should be able to understand this and support the protective measures implemented (Tsai Morris, 2015). 4) Many of the first victims were wrongly diagnosed with other ailments, or their illness remained a mystery. Is this indicative of a weakness in our nation's first response to such an attack? Could we be under attack for weeks by a similar biological agent and never even realize it until it was far too late? The initial after effect of anthrax inhalation is itchy skin that looks like the bite from an insect. It thus went unrecognized and those who got affected thought that it was some skin infection and did not devote much attention to it. After some time, the sore becomes a blister and finally the outcome is a skin ulcer. It has a black centre which does not cause too much pain. It was accompanied by a fever and sore throat and went unrecognized in the early stages. Diagnosis of anthrax can be done with the help of CT scan and blood test and people did not go for testing which proved to be extremely detrimental as the severity wrought by anthrax was multiplied as it went unnoticed (Fajardo et al.,2015). Endoscopy was not done in the initial stages that are a test which makes use of a small tube containing an attached camera and inspects the intestines. The illness of the first victims remained a mystery and most were wrongly diagnosed was not on account of the weakness of the nation but due to the callousness of the lay people who did not have much knowledge about anthrax attack (Alakpa Collins Jr, 2015). Yes, we can be under attack from anthrax for weeks and not realize it until it is too late because we would not be able to link the symptoms with the deadly infection. 5) Prophylactic medications are available that can mitigate the damage caused by anthrax if provided to victims early on. How widespread should this program be? Should all first responders have easy access to these prophylactic medications? American military soldiers are immunized against certain strains of weapons grade anthrax. The immunization process is dangerous though and some soldiers have died. That is why the CDC has not approved this vaccination program for civilian use. Should we look into creating a safer immunization/vaccination process against anthrax for all Americans or would this be far too costly and largely unnecessary? For people suffering from bioterrorist anthrax, quinolone can be used for the 1st 1-2 weeks. Clindamycin can also be added for providing the anti-exotoxin effect. In order to prevent inhalational anthrax, Levofloxacin can be used. The postexposure prophylaxis can be continued for a period of 60 days to curb inhalational anthrax. Raxibacumab is a monoclonal antibody that directs towards the protective antigen in relation to Bacillus anthracis. (Lundberg Willis, 2015). Antimicrobial therapy makes the lesions culture-negative within a few hours. Treatment can be provided in the initial stages, but persons who are infected with gastrointestinal, inhalational or meningeal anthrax have very poor prognosis. Prophylaxis along with vaccination can provide complete protection however providing immunity in relation to a exposed community can prove to be extremely difficult (Fajardo et al., 2015). Yes, first responders should have easy access to these medications so that their chance for survival are increased. Threat caused by anthrax outbreak along with the searching for improvements within the prophylaxis tool is a matter involving great interest in the arena of biodefense for the forthcoming future (Wanying, Alain Angel, 2016). The AVA and AVP vaccines point to a step forward in the time when the danger posed by these biological weapons is increasing at a rapid pace. Numerous strategies have been devised that will involve molecular alteration and they throw open vast opportunities that will enhance the efficacy in relation to PA-based approach but question still remains pertaining to the fact whether a vaccine that solely relies on PA can provide adequate solution (Salvatore Gorman, 2014). New approaches are being developed that will significantly help in enhancing the latest protection scheme that is based on PA. A resultant of multi-pronged approach can target distinctive aspects in relation to B.anthracis organism and this will be the primary logical goal designed for the future an thrax vaccine (Vogel, 2016). References: Alakpa, G. E., Collins Jr, J. W. (2015). The possibility of a human-borne with bioagent (HBBA) terrorist at foreign FOB ECPs: the perceptions of US military or security personnel, a preliminary report.Military medical research,2(1), 34. Dormady, N., Szelazek, T., Rose, A. (2014). The potential impact of an anthrax attack on real estate prices and foreclosures in Seattle.Risk Analysis,34(1), 187-201. Ellis, R. (2014). Creating a secure network: the 2001 anthrax attacks and the transformation of postal security.The Sociological Review,62(1_suppl), 161-182. Fajardo, G. C., Posid, J., Papagiotas, S., Lowe, L. (2015). 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