Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Rewrite - Essay Example Coming into contact with feces of an infected person is one way through which hepatitis A can be acquired or transmitted from one person to the other. Moreover, if a person fails to wash their hands appropriately after using bathroom, they can get infected (Gallagher 9); furthermore, hepatitis A can be transmitted to those individuals engaging in oral or anal sex especially with those that are infected as well as through blood transfusion, although this situation happens occasionally (Mushahwar 2). In addition, transmission of HAV though the consumption of contaminated food and water can be associated with increased outbreaks of this disease globally. Normally, the incubation period of hepatitis A is between 14 and 28 days (WHO), but everyone’s body responds to it differently and exhibit different symptoms of the disease. Some individuals may not show any sign at all but they are infected with this virus; for instance, individuals with subclinical hepatitis have neither sympto ms nor jaundice (Mushahwar 8). Moreover, signs and symptoms of Hepatitis B are more predominant in adults than in children since children have more mild reaction to Hepatitis A as opposed to adults. Symptoms of hepatitis A are jaundice, dark urine, extreme fatigue, vomiting, nausea, colored stool among others (Davis 3), but jaundice occurs in more than 70 % HAV infection cases (WHO). Hepatitis A virus has been known to be one of the oldest diseases affecting humankind, and it was discovered by Steven Feinstone in early 1990’s. The recommended diagnosis of hepatitis A is â€Å"testing the patients’ sera for the presence of certain anti-viral antibodies† (Mushahwar 1), whereby a positive test for anti-HAV is an indication that a person has been exposed to this virus before or is infected. Moreover, this virus can be diagnosed through determining HAV antibody in the feces (Mushahwar 9). Arguably, people who are susceptible to HAV infection are those that not vaccin ated against hepatitis A, travelers exploring places where the virus is endemic, men having sex with men, and people with chronic liver disease (WHO). Additionally, injecting drug users with unsterilized needles and medical personnel in hospitals are also at risk of HAV infection (Mushahwar 13). However, hepatitis A can be avoided by washing hands and engaging in safe sexual activities and by doing this, this endemic disease can be eradicated easily. In most cases, hepatitis is a treatable disease, but leads to death on rare occasion especially when diagnosed late or not treated (Gallagher 8). There are low infection rates the United States and other wealthy states since they are aware of proper hygiene (Gallagher 10); nevertheless, research shows that people aged five to forty are the most vulnerable to HAV infection. According to WHO, about 33, 288 people were infected in 1976, but when the vaccine was administered, this number reduced to seven, 653. This is a clear indication tha t the use of vaccine in preventing HAV is effective and can help in reducing this infection. Moreover, proper hygiene should be individual’s main concern since worldwide outbreaks and localized infections are very common in areas with poor sanitation. Some of the places that are at a higher risk of HAV infection are Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East as well as some parts of South America. In these places, HAV infection is mainly spread through person-to-person contact by the fecal oral route,

Monday, October 28, 2019


Free African Americans Essay The Antebellum period had a huge impact on the free African American people. The Antebellum period is the time that is pre-Civil War and post-War of 1812. The United States was expanding to a more powerful nation and slavery was the biggest industry in their economy. During this period of time, African Americans had to deal with many obstacles/adversities as free blacks in all regions of the United States. The regions known as, in the northern, upper south, deep south, and far west regions of the United States was where the free African American encountered different and similar situations and experiences. Throughout history the north always was known as the first region that freed slaves. The northern states didnt us the same economic methods as the southern states and the far west. They adopted a new way of making money. According to The African American Odyssey, Between 1860, a market revolution transformed the north into a modern industrial society. This new method changed economy for the north until present day. This was a new age of industry and the production of factories. Slavery was not needed as much as the southern states where they had good sun to cultivate and profit from crops such as cotton. Even though this new method lightened the idea of slavery in the north, the freedom for blacks was still limited. Whites did not want to deal with blacks so they enforced new black laws in which resulted in the segregation of school, communities and any other public uses. Free black men had limited voting rights where they barely had any rights to vote. Most of all these black laws impacted the employment level to a low gradient for the free blacks in the north. This battle for employment had many negative impacts on free Black’s ways of life. Families were tarnished under the pressure of providing for their families with the scarcity of jobs. They enforced fugitive slave law where the white slave masters can hunt and recapture runaway slaves from the south. This made life difficult and filled the free blacks with fear because they were more prone to be wrongfully enslaved. Like the south the whites did not want to deal with blacks whatsoever. Irish immigrants were taking all the jobs away from the blacks many blacks had unskilled jobs such as being barbers and shoemakers. The free African American upper south region did have similar experiences as the north but much more were different. Though they shared similar churches family businesses and fraternities the upper south was still separated by the idea of slavery and the different economic methods. The impact of slavery created different communities. The free blacks in the north lived with other free Blacks while in the upper south; the free Blacks lived with slaves. The fugitive slave laws had a bigger impact on the upper south than the north. The free black was definitely more prone to be enslaves. Many sheriffs would harass and arrest free blacks randomly on profiling them as runaway slaves. They did have a tool known as free papers that was proof for their freedom. But these papers were useless most of the time because they constantly had to be renewed. These free papers impacted the everyday life of African Americans because they had to make sure that their papers werent stolen, lost, or tarnished. The free Blacks had fewer freedoms. They could not vote at all and they had problems going outside at night. They could not congregate in groups and had no rights to bear arms. Life as a free Black person was tougher than the north because of the low employment rates downgraded again due to the Irish immigrants taking their jobs. Their jobs were different during the antebellum period. Many people were maids and servants and washers. Upper south institutions where tarnished and almost did not exist. Black churches were overran by white ministries and left the black ministers with no opportunities to practice on their careers. Schools were almost absent. They were low funded whereas many blacks in the upper south were left uneducated. There were no schools and no jobs which gave success to the whites on preventing the advancement of the free blacks. Unlike the north and the upper south, the Deep South barely had any free blacks despite the fact that the population of African Americans in the Deep South was enormous. There were many incidents of racial mixing with slave owners and the female slaves. Diversity was there but slavery still kept their children enslaved. They usually had a choice to buy their way out of slavery. Many of the free slaves did not have their own separate identity from the white slave owners. Many of the free blacks were just like the whites. They were accepted in the churches. Many wealthy free blacks were educated due to the establishment of private schools. Unlike the north and the Upper South, they had better skilled jobs such as carpentry and tailors. Many whites began to overlook the success of the free African American In the Deep South and made it even more impossible to live. Unlike the North, Upper South, and the Deep South, the Far West absolutely did not want anything to do with free Blacks. The black laws in the Far West were made to ban all free Blacks from settling in their region. The Gold Rush of 1849 resulted in the migration of many White and free Black men to settle out west in states like California and Oregon. The Far west was known to be more multicultural and have multicultural communities. Many blacks had the same jobs of that the free Blacks from the regions had except for the gold mining. Many Blacks prospered from gold. Slavery was a huge propaganda in the upper south and the whole south in general. It was a reality that all African American whether free or enslaved could not avoid. The northern states were gradually enhancing their advancement in the idea of acceptance and coexistence with the Whites in the US. The north had at least a bit of a head start for the search of equality in the U. S. The conditions of living might have been similar and different in many ways but this time all came to an end once the fugitive slave laws were enhanced. Many free African Blacks were enslaved and wrongfully accused to be slaves. The new laws were undisputed and changed the Blacks’ idea of freedom and fight for equality Work Cited Hine D, The African American Odyssey (2011). Combined Volume, 5th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Financiering van de Pleegzorg; De gehele Jeugdzorg, waar Jeugdhulp Friesland en dus Pleegzorg onder valt wordt gesubsidieerd door de overheid. Dit valt onder de gezondheidszorg, per deel van Jeugdhulp is er een budget die wordt ingezet om iedereen te helpen. Als voorbeeld van een activiteit heb ik de reiskostenvergoeding van stagiaires genomen, stagiaires kunnen de gemaakte kosten declareren bij de organisatie. Deze prijs is opgebouwd uit de gemaakte kilometers en welke prijs daaraan verbonden zit. Hoe je reist is ook van invloed op de prijs, als je week-ov hebt krijg je niet betaald omdat jijzelf dan gratis kan reizen. Ieder pleeggezin ontvangt pleegoudervergoeding, deze vergoeding is maandelijks en is bedoeld voor het kind. Hiervan moeten ouders dingen als kleding en bijvoorbeeld slaapspullen. De vergoeding hangt af van de leeftijd van het kind, hieronder is een tabel bijgevoegd waarin de basisbedragen voor elke leeftijdscategorie zijn omschreven. Basisbedragen van de pleegzorg per jeugdige per 1 januari 2013. Leeftijdscategorie Bedrag per maand/per dag 0 t/m 8 jaar â‚ ¬ 532/17,50 9 t/m 11 jaar â‚ ¬ 538/17,70 12 t/m 15 jaar â‚ ¬ 586/19,28 16 t/m 17 jaar â‚ ¬ 647/21,28 18 jaar en ouder â‚ ¬ 654/21,51 (Pleegzorg Nederland, 2013) Privacy: De privacyregels van Jeugdhulp Friesland staan genoteerd onder de volgende categorieà «n: ï  ¶ Informatie verzamelen en vastleggen ï  ¶ Het recht om gegevens in te zien ï  ¶ Het uitgeven van informatie aan andere personen ï  ¶ Het bewaren en vernietigen van gegevens Informatie verzamelen en vastleggen: Alle informatie over een clià «nt wordt vastgelegd in een dossier, in dit dossier staan alle standaardgegevens zoals naam, adres en geboortedatum. De informatie die bij Pleegzorg binnenkomt is afkomstig van ouders/verzorgers ... ...eegzorg bevorderen en in de belangen van pleegouders en –kinderen voorzien. (Jeugdhulp Friesland, 2014) Ook heb je de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pleeggezinnen (NVP), de NVP is een landelijke, onafhankelijke vereniging van en voor pleegouders. De NVP zet zich in voor de belangen van pleegzorg, ze willen de kwaliteit van pleegzorg in Nederland verbeteren. Dit doen ze door middel van ondersteuning, advies en belangenbehartiging voor de pleeggezinnen. (Jeugdhulp Friesland, 2014) Alle partijen binnen Jeugdhulp Friesland communiceren met elkaar, de Raad van Bestuur staat bovenaan en pleegt overleg met de Controller en de Regiodirecteur. Alles wat naar de medewerkers moet worden doorgestuurd wordt door de Regiodirecteur geregeld, deze zorgt ervoor dat de wensen van de Raad van Bestuur door gegeven worden aan de medewerkers. Voor een communicatieoverzicht: Zie bijlage

Thursday, October 24, 2019

”Heritage” by Countee Cullen Essay

This poem is titled â€Å"Heritage† and is by Countee Cullen (for Harold Jackman). The social issue that motivated Cullen to write Heritage is the oppression that blacks faced and their eagerness to go back to the place that their ancestors were taken from. In the poem Cullen reflects the urge to reclaim the African arts, during this time, the Harlem Renaissance, blacks called this movement negritude. Cullen depicts the negro speaking on the view of Africa, by the all negroes. In the poem, Cullen uses auditory imagery, organic imagery, and visual imagery. Cullen uses auditory imagery to draw his readers in to hear what he hears. The meaning of this poem is to take the reader on a journey of what the negro felt about Africa. Line 12-30, the negro explains that he hears large animals all about and how he can hear the birds of the sky sing. He also explains the sounds of drums that he can hear. Drums in Africa were used for one or two reasons, either celebrations or during war time. This literary device was effective because Cullen captivated what the negro would have heard had he been in Africa. Then Cullen uses organic imagery to draw his readers in to feel what he felt. The usage of this literary device was to show the reader what the negro was feeling when Africa was the thought. In line 22-30, the Cullen uses many metaphors that all tie and have a connection. For example, â€Å"So I lie, fount of pride, dear distress and joy allied, is my somber flash and skin, with the dark blood damned within like great pulsing tides of wine that, I fear, must burst the fine channels of the chaffing net.† Blood from within refers to the negro not being able to change himself from being black. The metaphor is relating wine to blood, pulsing tides to veins, and chaffing net to the heart. Lastly, Cullen uses visual imagery draws the readers in to visually see what the negro sees when he thinks about Africa. Cullen uses this literary device effectively because the reader is able to connect with the negro when thinking about Africa. First, Cullen opens with an unanswered question. Then in lines 1-10, Cullen begins to help us visualize what Africa looks like  through the eye of the negro. He goes to the scenery of Africa by referring to it as the copper sun and scarlet sea. In this allusion, he is describing the reflection of the sun on the water. The negro also spoke about the people of Africa. â€Å"Strong bronzed men, or regal black women from whose loins I sprang when the birds of Eden sang.† Women from whose loins I sprang, he’s talking about the queens of Africa. Strong bronzed men referred to the men who looked like himself during this time, and â€Å"†¦one three centuries removed,† referred to the slave trade. The negro definitely take s the reader on tour of Africa to see, hear and feel everything that he did. In conclusion, the poem was used as a key to unlock some of the thoughts the negro had concerning Africa. The negro in this poem was a representative of all negroes during this time; their thoughts and the their feelings toward Africa. Cullen’s usage of the literary devices allow for an effective expression of the meaning of this poem. Poems are intensified language of experience, so the devices assured the connection of the reader to the poem and the experience. This applies to many issues in society today because as beautiful as our country is there are still dark clouds that cover the very essence of what the states once stood for.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Enhanced Reading Instructions Essay

Differentiated Instructional demand of pupils makes it imperative for a instructor to be after out her direction in little groups and separate reading Centres to give pupils ample pattern. Teachers form little flexible groups of pupils. meeting twice or thrice a hebdomad for a specific clip. The instructor draws up similar structure† to bring forth thoughts. stimulate thought. do programs and make a desire† . ( Cited in Steering authorship and Observing Reading. p. 385 ) . Teachers† find more chance to utilize their cognition and accomplishments more to the full and effectively† . ( cited in Making Instructional Decisions. p. 461 ) . â€Å"Many usage alternate schemes in order to run into the particular demand of the students† ( Modifying Lessons. p. 461 ) Alternative lesson structures recommends the usage of at least two types of lesson constructions. One Guided Reading and the other Skill Focused Lessons. It follows a form where the text is selected. introduced. read and discussed. In a Teacher- led- Centre. â€Å"the option most favored today. Centre on incorporate course of study. an attempt to link the linguistic communication humanistic disciplines with other capable countries. frequently through subjects. Integration is encouraged across all capable countries. including math â€Å" . ( Basal Readers and Instructional Materials. Chp13. p. 0 ) â€Å"Skill development and pattern activities are frequently interspersed with originative enrichment thoughts in the teacher’s usher. † ( Chp13. p. 460 ) Students who need focused acquisition to go fluid and accurate in their use. Skill Focused Lessons are planned out by a instructor. like †writing. speaking. . . brainstorming†¦ function playing. doodling. pulling. cartooning. jotting ain thoughts. taking notes. interviewing and even organizing mental images through visual image and in writing organisers. † ( Steering Writing and Observing Reading p. 385 ) . Thus guidelines are set. which help heighten effectual reading composing in a schoolroom. Mention hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fcrr. org/assessment/pdf/smallgroupalternativelessonstructures. pdf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essays

Philosophy of Education Essays Philosophy of Education Essay Philosophy of Education Essay Philosophy of Education I believe that as a teacher I must first believe in my students. When I enter the classroom, I will look into the faces of each of my students and see them reach their greatest potential while in my care. I will make it an obligation to not let one single student leave my room at the end of a year without having helped them realize their potential. I will dedicate each and every minute of instruction to the investment of the future of my students. While this sounds ideal, I realize it will not be easy. I believe the greater purpose of education is to instill in my students the ealization that life happens on a daily basis, and it is up to them as individuals to determine what the future will be. I must help them understand how each and every lesson has a greater purpose. It is the beginning of the rest of their lives, and only through hard work and determination will they be able to lay a strong foundation that will support them throughout their lives. I must help open their minds to more than Just the basic concepts of a lesson so that they will realize what the greater picture is in life. I must take learning toa higher level and make it applicable to the veryday life of my students so that they find meaning in what happens in the classroom. I believe students learn best when they can find meaning in what they are doing. I believe the classroom must be an extension of their world. They must see the meaning in a lesson beyond the four walls of the classroom. When possible, I must open up opportunities for my students to explore more than the simple concepts of a lesson. I must challenge them to question concepts and challenge facts so that they learn how to invent and create new concepts and meanings and become the nventors of the future. I must allow them to challenge me and force them to look beyond the things they can see and imagine what could be instead of accepting what is. I must allow them to question, expect them to falter, and help them find new ways to overcome in order to excel and explore the unimaginable. In order to be an effective teacher that is able to achieve the impossible and challenge every student, regardless of his/her ability, I must remain excited about teaching and stay positive, even in the face of resistance. I must work diligently to reate a student-centered classroom. I must continue to educate myself and find new ways to engage my students and stay current on what their interests are. I must be willing to work harder, become more knowledgeable, and invest in what I may not always be able to see. I must stay positive when others around me choose to see the negative. Teaching is a choice. It is not something I do because it is easy or comfortable. I do it because it is a calling. I know I will impact the lives of many children. It is frightening at times to think how much influence I will have on my students. Because of my influence, I take it seriously and realize that my attitude and impact is far more reaching than the building in which I will teach. I will affect some of my students for a diligently to find the worth in my students that some of them will find nowhere else but my classroom. As my students leave my room, I must send with them the desire to impact society. I must find a way to help them realize that they have an obligation to find a way to give back in their home, their community, and the world. If I am able to do this, then I believe I will be a successful educator.

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Ways to Handle a Racist Family Member

5 Ways to Handle a Racist Family Member It’s no secret that family gatherings can cause stress and lead to conflict, especially if some family members have racial views that youre staunchly against. What’s the best way to proceed when a loved one seems not only small-minded but outright racist? Don’t suffer in silence through one family gathering after another. You can take several steps to stop the Archie Bunker of the family in his tracks. These strategies include setting boundaries and calling attention to the racist behavior. Be Direct Confrontations are never easy. That said, if you don’t want to listen to your parents or siblings rattle off racial stereotypes every Thanksgiving, the direct approach is necessary. How will your family members understand that you find their behavior offensive unless you tell them? The moment your sister makes a racial joke or uses a racial stereotype, tell her that you’d appreciate it if she didn’t make such jokes or racial generalizations in front of you. If you believe that calling out your relative in front of others will make her more defensive, ask to speak to her privately and then make your feelings known. If your family member uses a racial slur in front of you, request that she doesn’t use such epithets in your presence. Do so in a calm, firm voice. Make your request short and then move on. Don’t attack your family member’s character. Just let her know that her comments make you uncomfortable. Get Help What if this family member intimidates you if he’s an elder or an in-law and you aren’t comfortable calling attention to the behavior you find inappropriate? Find a relative you feel more comfortable with and request that he accompany you as you confront the family member you believe is offensive. Tell the insensitive family member that you love and appreciate him but find his views on race hurtful. Alternatively, if your grandfather has made remarks you consider racially insensitive, you might want to ask your parent to speak with him about his behavior. If your father-in-law is the party in question, ask your spouse to confront him about his language and attitudes concerning race. If no one else in your family will serve as an ally, consider taking a less direct approach to confronting your relative. Write a brief letter or email informing him that you find his comments hurtful and asking him to refrain from such remarks in the future. Don’t Argue Whatever you do, don’t get into a debate with your relative. Agree to disagree with this family member about race rather than listening to her argument about why her racial stereotypes are valid and you’re too politically correct. Stick to the following script: â€Å"I find your comments hurtful. Please don’t make these remarks in front of me again.† Arguing with the relative will likely be a waste of time. The family member will be on the defensive and you will be on the offensive. Meanwhile, you will have convinced her of little or nothing about racial sensitivity. Focus on your feelings about the relative’s comments rather than on the validity of her beliefs. Set Consequences Depending on your situation, you might have to set guidelines with your relative. Say, for example, that you have children. Do you want your children to hear the comments by your family member? If not, let your relatives know that if they make bigoted remarks in your children’s presence you will leave the family gathering at once. If your relatives routinely make such comments, let them know that you will skip family gatherings with them altogether. This is an especially important move if you’re in an interracial relationship or have multiracial children who will feel targeted by your family members’ comments. Try Outside Influences You probably wont open your relatives’ eyes about race by arguing with them about the issue, but you can take steps to influence them that they might go along with. Organize a family trip to a museum with a social justice focus. Have a movie night at your house and screen films addressing issues of racial inequity or showing minority groups in a positive light. Start a family book club and select anti-racist literature.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bushido, The Samurai Code

Bushido, The Samurai Code Bushido was the code of conduct for Japans warrior classes from perhaps as early as the 8th century through modern times. The word bushido comes from the Japanese roots bushi  meaning warrior, and do meaning path or way. Literally, then, it can be translated as the way of the warrior.   Bushido was followed by Japans samurai warriors and their precursors in feudal Japan, as well as much of central  and east Asia. The principles of bushido emphasized honor, courage, skill in the martial arts, and loyalty to a warriors master (daimyo) above all else. It is somewhat similar to the ideas of chivalry that knights followed in feudal Europe. There is just as much folklore that exemplifies bushido- such as the 47  Ronin  of Japanese legend- as there is European folklore about knights.   What is Bushido? A more elaborated list of the virtues encoded in bushido includes frugality, righteousness, courage, benevolence, respect, sincerity, honor, loyalty, and self-control. The specific strictures of bushido varied, however, over time and from place to place within Japan.   Bushido was an ethical system, rather than a religious belief system. In fact, many samurais believed that they were excluded from any reward in the afterlife or in their next lives, according to the rules of Buddhism, because they were trained to fight and kill in this life. Nevertheless, their honor and loyalty had to sustain them, in the face of the knowledge that they would likely end up in the Buddhist version of hell after they died. The ideal samurai warrior was supposed to be immune from the fear of death. Only the fear of dishonor and loyalty to his daimyo motivated the true samurai.  If a samurai felt that he had lost his honor (or was about to lose it) according to the rules of bushido, he could regain his standing by committing a rather painful form of ritual suicide, called seppuku. A public ritual suicide or seppuku.. ivan-96 / Getty Images While European feudal religious codes of conduct forbade suicide, in feudal Japan it was the ultimate act of bravery. A samurai who committed seppuku would not only regain his honor, he would actually gain prestige for his courage in facing death calmly. This became a cultural touchstone in Japan, so much so that women and children of the samurai class were also expected to face death calmly if they were caught up in a battle or siege. Samurai recruits training for the Satsuma Rebellion. Three Lions / Hulton Archive / Getty Images History of Bushido How did this rather extraordinary system arise?  As early as the 8th century, military men were writing books about the use and the perfection of the sword. They also created the ideal of the warrior-poet, who was brave, well-educated, and loyal. In the middle period between the 13th to 16th centuries, Japanese literature celebrated reckless courage, extreme devotion to ones family and to ones lord, and cultivation of the intellect for warriors. Most of the works that dealt with what would later be called bushido concerned the great civil war known as the Genpei War  from 1180 to 1185, which pitted the Minamoto and Taira clans against one another and led to the foundation of the Kamakura Period of shogunate rule. The final phase of the development of bushido was the Tokugawa era, from 1600 to 1868. This was a time of introspection and theoretical development for the samurai warrior class because the country had been basically peaceful for centuries. The samurai practiced martial arts and studied the great war literature of earlier periods, but they had little opportunity to put the theory into practice until the Boshin War  of 1868 to 1869 and the later  Meiji Restoration. As with earlier periods, Tokugawa samurai looked to a previous, bloodier era in Japanese history for inspiration- in this case, more than a century of constant warfare among the daimyo clans. Modern Bushido After the samurai ruling class was abolished in the wake of the Meiji Restoration, Japan created a modern conscript army. One might think that bushido would fade away along with the samurai who had invented it. In fact, Japanese nationalists and war leaders continued to appeal to this cultural ideal throughout the early 20th century and World War II. Echoes of seppuku were strong in the suicide charges that Japanese troops made on various Pacific Islands, as well as in the kamikaze pilots who drove their aircraft into Allied battleships and bombed Hawaii to start off Americas involvement in the war. Today, bushido continues to resonate in modern Japanese culture.  Its stress on courage, self-denial, and loyalty has proved particularly useful for corporations seeking to get the maximum amount of work out of their salarymen.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Negotiation styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negotiation styles - Essay Example Inter-net has acted wonders. The ever rising impacts of the globalisations have changed the terms of trade from that of the traditional ways of doing business. The same has been experienced by the â€Å"Yabbies R Us†. The organisation set up by the Adams family to supply the processed yabbies to a Perth based restaurant, is now exporting the same to certain foreign customers of Singapore. The organisation claims that it can export to any part of the world with in thirty-six hours. To set up deals with more foreign parties, the importance of negotiating skill is immense. The Adams group has to ensure best deal for them as they try to become a global player. Adams group plans to enter the western market (particularly that of Canada) with their product of processed yabbies. The group should know the various negotiation strategies prevailing in the country in order to be successful in their venture. The negotiation strategies generally commences with informal meets among the concerned parties in Canada. The authorities of ‘Yabbies R Us’ can invite some of the Canada based potential customers of the processed fish in an informal meet. The potential customers of yabbies would generally be hotels and restaurants. So, there are possibilities that the first meet takes place at the prospective customer’s place. But to have more negotiating power, the ‘Yabbies R Us’ authorities should try and select a different venue from that of the client’s place. The visiting party should not wait for the right moment to pitch their product. In most cases, it is the Canadian party that talks about the business purpose f irst. 1 In this initial step, the ‘Yabbies R us’ management should present their product in an informal way and should narrate their prospective counterpart, the long term business plans and the expected share of profit from the business. Once the negotiation starts with on an informal note, the

Aristotle Greek Philosopher History Research Paper

Aristotle Greek Philosopher History - Research Paper Example Aristotle was closely associated with the Macedonians and so he was stripped of his honour at Delphi. He wrote a letter to Antipater which said â€Å"As for the honour which was voted me at Delphi and of which I have now been stripped, I am neither greatly concerned nor greatly unconcerned†. Aristotle spent the last year of his life in the estates of his mother’s family on the island of Euboea. His academy Lyceum survived after his death and Theophrastus became the new head. (Barnes, pp.3-6). In the later years of his life, Aristotle used to be well-dressed and used to enjoy his days by indulging in the comforts of life. He is described as being bald headed. He had thin legs and small eyes. He was a witty person, spoke with a lisp and had a mocking nature. After his wife died, he lived till his own death in a nonlegal relationship with his mistress Herpyllis. He had a son with her whom he named Nicomachus, after his father. (Magill & Moose, p.130) Philosopher and Teache r In the early years of his life, Aristotle was associated only with physicians and princes. He had no connection with philosophers. The first four phases of his life ended at the age of eighteen when he went to Athens to learn philosophy from Plato. His career was divided into three periods. The first period consisted of the twenty years that he spent in Athens where he stayed till Plato’s death. The second period consisted of the thirteen years in which he traveled as a philosopher and teacher. The third and final period consisted of the years spent in Lyceum after his return to Athens. Plato’s method of teaching was in dialogue form and Aristotle was greatly influenced by this. He began his writings in dialogues and made himself the main speaker in those dialogues. It is... This essay stresses that there are certain theories in Aristotle’s political philosophy that attract criticisms. According to Aristotle, the political community is a â€Å"natural entity like an animal or a man†. According to critics, the political community is completely a â€Å"product of art†. Aristotle compares a politician with a craftsman. By doing this he contradicts his own statement that â€Å"he who first framed the political community was a cause of the greatest goods†. He says that just as a shipbuilder builds a ship out of various things like lumber, canvas, nails etc., a politician similarly forms a constitution out of the citizens of a city-state. If this statement is true, then a political community cannot be a natural entity. This indicates that there is a flaw in the very root of his political philosophy. Aristotle believed that a man has a natural tendency to become civilized and form a civilized society. This has been criticised by the 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes who claims that â€Å"civil society runs, not with, but against the grain of man’s nature†. He said that men are naturally anti-social beings and have no natural urge to form a civil society. The self-contradictory statements of Aristotle make his political philosophy vulnerable to criticisms.  This essay stresses that there are certain theories in Aristotle’s political philosophy that attract criticisms. According to Aristotle, the political community is a â€Å"natural entity like an animal or a man†.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics in medical research case studies Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ethics in medical case studies - Research Paper Example Believing that the procedure would succeed, the researchers strongly stand on their ground that no consent from patients was necessary (, 2010). Three years after the incident and after a year of probation of the researchers involved in the incident, one of them was elected president of the American Association for Cancer Research (, 2010). The proponent of this paper tries to assess the issues involved in the above case, how they were handled and might have been handled differently. Below are some of the ethical issues involved in the above case. Oral consent but no documentation The researchers were able to point out that oral consents were made but there was no documentation involved due to some certain reasons. This made it clear that the entire research was a one-sided approach which strongly emphasized only the main objectives of the researchers, without taking into account the rights of the respondents. Rules or guidelines on what is right and app ropriate conduct are all incorporated in ethics (Rumrill, Cook, & Wiley, 2011). Thus, there should be appropriate way to conduct research among the chosen respondents especially in medical research. Research involving human subjects includes legal and ethical considerations which primarily include human subjects’ protection, protection of privacy and the disclosure of risks involved (Kulynych, 2002). Furthermore, since 1980s epidemiologists and physicians adhered to the importance of informed consent in certain investigations (Regidor, 2004). In the case of Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital, researchers strongly argued that they were able to inform the respondents through oral consent due to certain reasons. One reason is that the respondents were indigent, which means it would be appropriate to explain everything to them in an oral approach. However, the case of Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital did not only include ethical considerations, but tied in it was legal accountability of the researchers. These two seemed to be integrated in the case of Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital and the researchers involved. Citing the significance of informed consent, the researchers were able to do at least somewhere in the right thing, but the problem in this approach is the lack of showing some documents to prove that indeed there were oral consents made on the part between the respondents and the researchers. Oral consent was appropriate at some point knowing that it still belongs to the category of informed consent. However, there still something lacking in it in the case of therapeutic research where there seems to some remarkable risks involved. Consent should be highly documented in this case so whatever may happen, there would be some legal basis that will point out to adherence to the ethical standards. Custom to perform dangerous medical procedures without consent As stated earlier, in medical research, the respondents have the right to express their consent in certain research investigations. This is considered to be sound and ethical especially if it has to be applied in the case of Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital. However, the said hospital had certain customary procedure that in the event of performing dangerous medical procedures, consent from patients or respondents will not be necessary because it can be waved. In fact, this is supported by some legal and ethical standard that at some point, the

Resolute Forest Products Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Resolute Forest Products Inc - Research Paper Example Where there is competition, there is always the need to devise a competitive strategy that can guarantee competitive advantage for the company. It is in line with this that a comprehensive company analysis is necessary to identifying the current market position of the company, understanding ways in which the company has responded to the competitions that it is faced with, what the weaknesses and strengths of the company has been in its quest to be competitive, corporate strategies that can work best for the company, and a comprehensive financial assessment for the company. Presently, Resolute Forest Product Inc can be said to be at a position where the company has failed to maximise its potential on the global economic competition. As a result, even though the company continues to record increases in revenue and operating incomes, these have not been translated into net income, total assets, and total equity. 2.0 Organization Overview Resolute Forest Product Inc is the outcome of a m erger between Bowater and Abitibi-Consolidated, which took place in January 2007. The company is mainly into the manufacturing of pulp and paper and is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Noting the importance of supply chain management to the company and the devastating consequence that can be associated with shortages in supply of raw materials, the company has as part of its major corporate strategies to operate and manage its own forest base that is responsible for supplying the company with its raw materials (Kanter, 2012). In line with this, the company boasts of owning an approximate value of 14.9 million hectares of forestland in North America as at the end of 2011 (Kim, 2011). This has generally being a workable strategy that has made the company to become recognized with efficiency in meeting demand from consumers. With growing concerns on global warming and the need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, Resolute Forest Product Inc pledged its commitment to th is call in November 2011 when it became a member of the World Wildlife Fund’s Climate Saver’s Program (Chen, 2012). Together with other stakeholders and members therefore, the company is in a joint course to helping reduce greenhouse gas emission by 65% by 2015. The operations of the company have not been free from lawsuits to and from the company. For example in May 2013, The Star (2013) reported of a $7,000,000 defamation lawsuit filed against Greenpeace Canada and some of its employees for alleged interference with economic relations with their customers (Aulakh, 2013). Greenpeace Canada has however seen the lawsuit as a mere attempt to for Resolute to launch a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). 3.0 SWOT Analysis Strength Weaknesses 1. The company has a very reliable raw material base that makes the dependence on suppliers very limited. 2. Reduced dependence on suppliers means the company has sufficient savings on external spending that minimize d the cost of doing business 3. The company commands very high annual revenue and operating income that makes it have very strong competitive urge over its competitors, knowing that diversification and other means of raising funds for the company with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cherokee Indian Nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cherokee Indian Nation - Essay Example The constitution, the comprehensive legal code, and the many governmental related services of the Cherokee Nation contribute to a justice system that operates autonomously to promote order and advancement within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation. Though the Cherokee Nation is a sovereign entity with a complete legal system, they also work with the cooperation of federal agencies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to maintain order. They also have agreements with local and state governments to help insure consistency and support within both the Cherokee Nation and local governments. Indeed, there has been an ongoing policy of the US government to help insure that Cherokee law and Federal laws have a measure of conformity (Distinctive Features). However, the recent limits placed on the State Police on Indian lands has prompted the Cherokee Nation to take a greater responsibility for law enforcement within their borders and has necessitated the formation of the Cherokee Nation Marshall Service. In 1986, a ruling by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that "[...] Oklahoma law enforcement officers have no criminal jurisdiction "in Indian country" unless the crime is committed by a non-Indian against another non-Indian ..." (Heck, Keen, and Wilds, 26). The previous two centuries had been marked by federal reluctance to recognize sovereignty compounded by a checkerboard of overlapping federal jurisdiction. The Cherokee Nation Marshal Service is responsible for enforcement on Indian land, and though they have been in existence for over 20 years, their ranks are thin as compared to other urban and rural forces. The 2002 census reported only 11 full time officers to cover the entire population and vast land area ("Census", 10). The Cherokee Nation also shares criminal jurisdiction with various state and federal authorities through cross deputizing (Heck et al., 33). Jurisdiction is decided through a complex evaluation of whether the defendant and victim are Indian or Non-Indian and the seriousness of the crime. According to Heck et al. while, "[...] either federal or Indian law enforcement officers can make arrests for major crimes, most major crime cases are tried in federal courts" (33). However, victimless crime or minor crime where both defendant and victim are Indian, is the sole jurisdiction of the tribal courts. There may be rare exceptions to this, such as the jurisdiction for the enforcement of traffic laws where major routes are patrolled by a state police agency. The District Court of the Cherokee Nation serves all 14 counties in the jurisdiction of the tribe and handles civil and criminal proceedings. In addition, they handle some limited juvenile cases and family law issues involving deprivation and neglect ("District Court"). According to the 2002 census, the Cherokee Nation criminal court can only prosecute a case that would result in a jail term of not more than one year and a fine of less than 5,000 dollars ("Census", 2). More serious cases are sent to the federal court system for prosecution, sentencing, and incarceration. The Cherokee Nation operates a detention and holding center for short-term

The Concept of Sustainable Development Assignment

The Concept of Sustainable Development - Assignment Example This paper will evaluate the statement â€Å"the concept of sustainable development has not changed since The Brundtland Report†. The Brundtland Report is a culmination of a ‘900 day’ international work and it was jointly prepared by senior government representatives, scientists, research centers, senior NGO representatives, industrialists, and the general public. The Report had three major aims. First was to review the critical environmental issues and to develop innovative and realistic responsive measures to address the issues. The second aim was to improve the international cooperation on ensuring long-term environmental sustainability by driving new policy formations and existing policy amendments. The Third objective was to increase the level of environmental safety awareness among businesses, governments, and the general public. â€Å"The Commission focused its attention on the areas of population, food security, the loss of species and genetic resources, energy, industry, and human settlements – realizing that all of these are connected and cannot be treated in isolation one from an other† (1987:27) (Brundtland Commission: Brundtland Report, n.d.). Hence the Commission tried to coordinate and integrate international efforts for curbing various forms of environmental issues. The term sustainable development was coined by the Brundtland Commission. The Commission defines the concept of sustainable development as the â€Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs† (General Assembly). Before the introduction of the term sustainable development, this concept had three constituent parts including economic sustainability, socio-political sustainability, and environmental sustainability (Social-Political Sustainability: The Human Element, n.d.). Since the term sustainable development promotes economic, socio-political, and environmental sustainability.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cherokee Indian Nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cherokee Indian Nation - Essay Example The constitution, the comprehensive legal code, and the many governmental related services of the Cherokee Nation contribute to a justice system that operates autonomously to promote order and advancement within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation. Though the Cherokee Nation is a sovereign entity with a complete legal system, they also work with the cooperation of federal agencies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to maintain order. They also have agreements with local and state governments to help insure consistency and support within both the Cherokee Nation and local governments. Indeed, there has been an ongoing policy of the US government to help insure that Cherokee law and Federal laws have a measure of conformity (Distinctive Features). However, the recent limits placed on the State Police on Indian lands has prompted the Cherokee Nation to take a greater responsibility for law enforcement within their borders and has necessitated the formation of the Cherokee Nation Marshall Service. In 1986, a ruling by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that "[...] Oklahoma law enforcement officers have no criminal jurisdiction "in Indian country" unless the crime is committed by a non-Indian against another non-Indian ..." (Heck, Keen, and Wilds, 26). The previous two centuries had been marked by federal reluctance to recognize sovereignty compounded by a checkerboard of overlapping federal jurisdiction. The Cherokee Nation Marshal Service is responsible for enforcement on Indian land, and though they have been in existence for over 20 years, their ranks are thin as compared to other urban and rural forces. The 2002 census reported only 11 full time officers to cover the entire population and vast land area ("Census", 10). The Cherokee Nation also shares criminal jurisdiction with various state and federal authorities through cross deputizing (Heck et al., 33). Jurisdiction is decided through a complex evaluation of whether the defendant and victim are Indian or Non-Indian and the seriousness of the crime. According to Heck et al. while, "[...] either federal or Indian law enforcement officers can make arrests for major crimes, most major crime cases are tried in federal courts" (33). However, victimless crime or minor crime where both defendant and victim are Indian, is the sole jurisdiction of the tribal courts. There may be rare exceptions to this, such as the jurisdiction for the enforcement of traffic laws where major routes are patrolled by a state police agency. The District Court of the Cherokee Nation serves all 14 counties in the jurisdiction of the tribe and handles civil and criminal proceedings. In addition, they handle some limited juvenile cases and family law issues involving deprivation and neglect ("District Court"). According to the 2002 census, the Cherokee Nation criminal court can only prosecute a case that would result in a jail term of not more than one year and a fine of less than 5,000 dollars ("Census", 2). More serious cases are sent to the federal court system for prosecution, sentencing, and incarceration. The Cherokee Nation operates a detention and holding center for short-term

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Communication Infrastructure and how it was affeted by Huricane Term Paper

Communication Infrastructure and how it was affeted by Huricane Katrina - Term Paper Example The national communication policy focuses much on the improvement on all the communication services so that everybody is served as fast as possible with the aim of improving the relation and the connection between individuals in different places. In order to achieve this, the national communication policy has placed more emphasis on the service providers to ensure that they restructure their services to meet the future challenges in communication sector. The policy recognizes that the role played by the communication system is vital since it affects the whole economy and hence most government policies would be based on the ICT policies (World Bank Group, 2002). The role played by the ICT is very important in all the other sectors of the economy since any effect in the communication sector results into the direct or the indirect effect on the other sectors of the economy. This can be either direct like in the E-commerce and the companies that have multinational operations may also be affected. It is therefore the role of the government to formulate those policies that aims at improving the communication systems. The communication policies also provide for the response to the disasters such that of Hurricane Katrina. There is the local mobilization of the resources by the local authorities as well as the federal so as to ensure that response is done as faster as possible to safeguard the national infrastructure against the disasters (Johnson & Turner, 2002). The military may also assist in the times of disasters though there is no direct integration of the military efforts within the communication policies. As a result, the military often join the rescue teams and the first responders as the second responders in disasters like hurricane Katrina. In order for the government to ensure that all these policies are harmonized and all the players in the sector are treated fairly, the government has established a regulatory authority to look into the conflicts and also to regulate the communication sector. The communications regulatory authority plays a vital role in regulating the telecommunications, radio and television frequency spectrum, posts and other communication careers (Johnson & Turner, 2002). This ensures that communication is effective and efficient and accordance with the law. Regulatory authority also protects the customer, service providers as well as other people involve in communication industry. It is the role of the regulatory authority to ensure that all the communication systems are in line with the modern technology and hence helps the customer to link with others in the international scene. The provision of radio and television spectrums is important since they ensure there is no mix up in the communication from the many providers. In trade, the communication regulatory authority also assist the businesses by identification of the barriers to trade and hence formulate policies that would ensue free and ease of movement of g oods and services from one region to another (Johnson & Turner, 2002). The investments from other nations as well as from domestic are regulated by the communication regulatory authority. In this way, it formulates and implements a policy that does not only make communication easy, but also provide opportunities for trade. Increasing Security and Protection Communication plays an important aspect in the development of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Justifiable Torture Essay Example for Free

Justifiable Torture Essay Torture is the act of inflicting physical and psychological pain. The three main purposes that Democratic governments use torture are to intimidate, to coerce false confessions, and to gather accurate security information. Torture is not only a method that has been used in countries notorious for corrupt government dictatorships such as Russia, Japan, and Germany but has also been prevalent in democracies. The use of torture in democracy is a shame, not only do secret CIA kidnappings, and the indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay go against the basic elements of a democracy, it has also been proven to be ineffective or less effective than traditional intelligence gathering, and it creates a slippery slope effect. The four basic principles of a democracy are having a political system where people can choose and replace officials through free and fair elections, the active participation of the people as citizens, in politics and civil life, the protection of the human rights of all citizens, and a rule of law where all laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens. Physical torture techniques (strikes to the body and using everyday instruments to inflict physical torture) were first recorded in â€Å"military punishments, especially among British lists of punishments; in the context of American slavery; in penal institutions; or during policing and military operations in French and British colonies† (Rejali 4). France, England, and the United States are the main democracies of modern history prior to World War II. The use of torture is highly used in Democratic governments; torture will be examined in a democratic system. Torture is a very right and left handed issue; those on the right side argue that it goes against the very values that Democratic Governments try to instill in their citizens such as equality, human rights, and liberties. Those on the left side like to refer to the ticking bomb scenario and point out terrorist acts such as 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Critics on the left side argue that Pearl Harbor was due to the fact that the United States did not have a strong intelligence agency Congressional probers basically blamed the disaster on a lack of imagination and watchfulness on the part of the American commanders on the scene, combined with poor coordination and exchange of intelligence in Washington†¦ In the view of President Harry S. Truman, the Japanese attack might have been prevented if there had been something like coordination of information in the government. President Truman observed in his memoirs: In those days the military did not know everything the State Department knew, and the diplomats did not have access to all the Army and Navy knew. (Intelligence throughout history). Torture is a method that is commonly used by the CIA, â€Å"After the attacks of 9/11, former President Bush authorized the creation of extralegal detention camps where Central Intelligence Agency operatives were told to extract information from prisoners who were captured and held in secret† (On torture and American Values). Torture is highly used and many believe that torture is an effective method of gathering intelligence; however this does not address whether it is justified in a democratic system. Torture is actually not as effective as many people think and it is never justifiable due to the fact that, â€Å"the United States has historically incorporated these international definitions into its military manuals. The 1992 U.S. Army Field Manual, for example, instructs soldiers that both the Geneva Conventions and U.S. policy prohibit acts of violence or intimidation, including physical or mental torture, threats, or insults as a means of interrogation† (Torture). Torture was first used in Roman times, judges used this technique to unearth crimes â€Å"In 1612, the Italian jurist Sebastian Guazzini likewise defined torture â€Å"as the distress of body devised for extracting truth. It was invented by the Civil Law, as a mode of discovering truth, for the sake of the public welfare, to the end that crimes might not remain unpunished† (Rejali 36). Examining past torture accounts one comes to the chilling conclusion that not all torture victims were actually terrorists and even though some may be criminals or terrorists they are only suspects. It is hard to look at torture methods, accounts of victims, the pictures that arose from Abu Ghraib, or Guantanamo Bay detainees and be able to say that the methods used on these people were justifiable and morally ok. The injustice is not only being applied to democratic principles but to moral principles also. Abu Ghraib is a U.S. detention facility located in Iraq, it is famous for the pictures taken by U.S. military guards which showed graphic proof of abuse to its prisoners Major General Antonito M. Taguba wrote a 53 page report on the incident; the report listed â€Å"Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water on naked detainees; beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair; threatening male detainees with rape; allowing a military police guard to stitch the wound of a detainee who was injured after being slammed against the wall in his cell; sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick, and using military working dogs to frighten and intimidate detainees with threats of attack, and in one instance actually biting a detainee† Such abuses of power are completely impermissible; the graphic pictures taken by U. S. military police guards included pictures of naked men being humiliated. In Islamic law homosexual acts are condemned and it is embarrassing for men to be naked in front of each other. One picture shows a female soldier with a cigarette in her mouth giving the thumbs up as a naked detainee masturbates. Another picture shows two soldiers standing behind seven naked Iraqis that have been piled on top of each other to make a pyramid. The founding fathers of the United States created a constitution that demanded equality for all men, as the Supreme Court famously said in 1866 â€Å"The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances.† It is important that the United States and all democracies oblige to the laws set by their founders. One of the most common beliefs about torture is that it is effective. In reality torture is not as effective as people perceive it to be â€Å"accuracy in torture is exceedingly poor, in some cases less accurate than flipping a coin, the key successes in gathering information in known cases come from other methods, most notably cultivating public cooperation and informants† (Rejali 24). Senator John McCain said in a speech on the senate floor The trail to bin Laden did not begin with a disclosure from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was water boarded 183 times†¦. We did not learn Abu Ahmed’s real name or alias as a result of waterboarding or any ‘enhanced interrogation technique’ used on a detainee in U.S. custody. None of the three detainees who were water boarded provided Abu Ahmed’s real name, his whereabouts, or an accurate description of his role in Al-Qaeda. In fact, not only did the use of ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed not provide us with key leads on bin Laden’s courier, Abu Ahmed; it actually produced false and misleading information†¦Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti’s real role in Al-Qaeda and his true relationship to Osama bin Laden — was obtained through standard, non-coercive means, not through any ‘enhanced interrogation technique.’ â€Å"In short, it was not torture or cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama bin Laden (Knapp) Khalid Sheikh Mohammad is the self-described mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks and was captured in 2003 he was water boarded 183 times and confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner over the Atlantic Ocean, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and various other attacks. Mohammad told the International Committee of the Red Cross that â€Å"I gave a lot of false information in order to satisfy what I believed the interrogators wished to hear.† (Outside the beltway) Not only has torture been proven to go against basic moral and democratic principles it is also proving to be ineffective. Ali Soufan an FBI supervisory special agent from 1997-2005 stated â€Å"Almost all the agency officials I worked with on these issues were good people who felt as I did about the use of enhanced techniques: it is un-American, ineffective and harmful to our national security† (Ali Soufan). The United States is known for urging nations to obey the international treaties and protect human rights and liberties. It is important that our government oblige to these treaties that they so consistently advocate. A former republican presidential nominee and an ex FBI agent both agree that torture is not necessary to gather intelligence. Traditional methods such as informants and regular interrogations have been proven to be more effective then torture. Using torture in a democratic system creates three slippery slopes â€Å"Torture increasingly takes in more suspects than those approved, leads to harsher methods than are authorized, and leads to greater bureaucratic fragmentation† (Darius Rejali 24). What Rejali is talking about, is that every person that has been tortured has not been proven to be a confirmed terrorist and is only a suspected one. Such is the case of Khalid El-Masri, a car salesman from Germany whose name resembles Khalid Al-Masri who is a confirmed terrorist. El-Masri was kidnapped by the CIA, taken to a ‘black site’ in Afghanistan, and was allegedly tortured. He was then released after four months, when it had become apparent he was not a terrorist. He had been confused with Khalid Al- Masri; the confusion was due to the fact that the names are spelt the same way in Arabic script. Torture also leads to greater torture because if a person is being tortured and will not confess to a crime that he is suspected of, what’s to say that the person administering the torture will not continue to apply harsher methods. He has already crossed the set boundaries presented by peace treaties and laws. Once a person has crossed the line and has committed to the act of torture what will stop him from going down the slope until the confession is given? The last slope torture leads to is bureaucratic fragmentation, torture is kept secretive and when it is not law makers push the boundaries to make it acceptable during the Bush administration laws were bent and given new definitions, lawyers and attorneys worked together to redefine torture, the â€Å"Justice Department even declared that those acts did not violate the lower standard of â€Å"cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment† (On Torture and American Values). Americans never authorized secret kidnappings, or the dehumanization of men, or the indefinite imprisonment at jails such as Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib. Such secretive acts only create a wall between American citizens and its Government. Along with all the negatives of torture many also believe it to have positive effects also. The ticking bomb scenario is when a terrorist is believed to know the location of a time sensitive bomb that will be set off in a matter of time. The question that arises from this scenario is, is torture morally acceptable under special circumstances? Many believe yes because obviously they care about national security. Patrick J. Buchannan states â€Å"The morality of any act depends not only on its character, but on the circumstances and motive. Stealing is wrong and illegal, but stealing food for ones starving family is a moral act. Even killing is not always wrong. If a U.S. soldier had shot Mohammed to save 50 hostages, he would be an American hero.†(Buchannan) Buchannan is referring to Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and discussing how he is an example of a â€Å"special circumstance† Another point is that under President Bush’s administration enhanced interrogation techniqu es did not arise to the level of torture â€Å"The former president firmly believes that enhanced interrogation techniques were necessary to obtain much-needed intelligence information in the war on terror† (Torture). Many believe torture is crucial in gathering information that could lead to the prevention of terrorist acts. An Associate Press ipsos group interviewed 1000 adults; â€Å"the† poll results indicate that support for justifiable torture is highest in southern Korea and the United States. There is also strong support in the United Kingdom and France with borderline results in Germany, Canada, and Mexico. Italians and Spaniards are opposed† (Peterson). Since the terrorist attacks took place in September 11, 2001 torture has been a method more commonly used. Many Americans accepted this notion by simply ignoring it, growing a stronger sense of nationalism, or believing that the criminals needed to be punished as shown in the poll that was taken many people from different countries supported torture. The ticking bomb scenario is a fantasized situation that those who support torture like to bring up. Information that comes from enhanced interrogation techniques as opposed to traditional methods has proved to be less accurate. Buchannan Makes a valid point on torture being acceptable because of the morality of it that torture is being inflicted to gather information that could save the lives of people, however as stated earlier torture techniques are not needed to gather the information, traditional methods can be used and are more effective. Although after 9/11 many Americans supported torture it still conflicted with our values. Torture has proven to go against basic moral and democratic principles. It has also proven to be less effective than traditional methods of interrogation or intelligence gathering. And it has not only proved to create one slippery slope, but it has created three. The case of Abu Ghraib and Khalid El-Masri proved the slippery slope theory because humans were sodomized with a broomstick; men were humiliated, forced to touch themselves in front of other naked men and were dehumanized. El Masri was an innocent German citizen and was held in a prison somewhere in Afghanistan and was allegedly tortured for nearly five months. The example of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad proved that torture is less effective than traditional methods of interrogation because as said by John McCain it led to false information and the accurate information that led to the capture of Bin Laden was obtained through standard non coercive means. Lastly, torture completely goes against the constitution and even though law makers have bent the law and redefined torture so it does meet the legal standards of torture it is still unethical because as stated earlier â€Å"The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances.† Even in times of national crises we must still follow the constitution which was meant to guide us through hard times with our principles secure and values intact. Works Cited Buchanan, Patrick J. Torture Is Moral When Inflicted for a Greater Good. Torture. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Current Controversies. Rpt. from The Case for Torture. World Net Daily. 2003. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web 22 Nov 2012. Hersh, Seymour. â€Å"Torture at Abu Ghraib.† The New The New Yorker, 10 May. 2004. Web. 22 Nov 2012 Knapp, Alex â€Å"An FBI Interrogator on the Effectiveness of Torture† Outside the Outside the Beltway, 10 Sept. 2009. Web 23 Nov 2012 â€Å"On Torture and American Values† The New York New York times, 7 Oct. 2007. Web 23 Nov 2012 Petersen, Kim. Torture Is Morally Reprehensible. Torture. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Current Controversies. Rpt. from Elementary Morality and Torture. Dissident Voice. 2005. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web 23 Nov 2012. Rejali, Darius. Torture and Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. Print. Soufan, Ali. â€Å"My Tortured Decision.† The New York New York times, 22 April 2009. Web 22 Nov 2012 Torture. Current Issues: Macmillan Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web 24 Nov 2012. United States. CIA â€Å"Intelligence Throughout History: The Impact of Pearl Harbor.† US CIA , Dec. 2010. Web 26 Nov 2012

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Juvenalian And Horatian Satire :: Satire Comedy LIterary Essays

Juvenalian and Horatian Satire "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own; which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets in the world, and that so very few are offended with it." Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Anglo-Irish satirist. The Battle of the Books, Preface (written 1697; published 1704). Satire is known as the literary style which makes light of a subject, diminishing its importance by placing it in an amusing or scornful light. Unlike comedy, satire attempts to create humor by deriding its topic, as opposed to a topic that evokes laughter in itself. Satires attempt to give us a more humorous look at attitudes, advances, states of affairs, and in some cases ( as in Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal ) the entire human race. The least offensive form of satire is Horatian satire, the style used by Addison and Steele in their essays. A much more abrasive style is Juvenalian satire, as used by Jonathan Swift in the aforementioned essay A Modest Proposal. To better understand satire as a whole, and Horatian and Juvenalian satire in particular, these essays can provide for further comprehension than a simple definition of the style alone. Horatian satire is noted for its more pleasant and amusing nature. Unlike Juvenalian satire, it serves to make us laugh at human folly as opposed to holding our failures up for needling. In Steele's essay The Spectator's Club, a pub gathering is used to point out the quirks of the fictitious Sir Robert de Coverly and his friends. Roger de Coverly is an absolute character. His failure in an amorous pursuit have left him in the past, which is shown through his manner of dress, along with his somewhat dubious honor of justice of the quorum. This position entails such trying duties as explaining Acts to the commoners. Also present is a lawyer who is more versed in "Aristotle and Cognius" than in "Littleton and Coke"(Norton, 2193), indicative of lawyers more interested in sounding learned than being capable of practicing actual law. Near him, a wealthy merchant whose concerns lie mainly in the wealth of England and himself, and who views the ocean as his marketplace. Captain Sentry is an old military man well practiced in the art of false modesty, a trait he detests in others. Also there is a clergyman who is so frail that he would sooner wait until the Lord sees fit to smite him than get on with the business of leading his life.(Norton, 2192-2195). All of these characters present traits present in all

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gender Bias In Language :: essays research papers fc

Language is a very powerful element. It is the most common method of communication. Yet it is often misunderstood an misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. There are times when in conversation with another individual, that we must take into account the person's linguistic genealogy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicial or biased in use. But the question that is raised is in regard to language usage: is the language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds? There are those who believe that the language that we use in day-to-day conversation is biased in and of itself. They feel that the term mailman, for example, is one that excludes women mail carriers. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves. That is to say that the words that people choose to use in conversation denote the bias that they harbor within their own existence. There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of them have changed with the new wave of "political correctness" coming about) that have inherently been sexually biased against women. For example, the person who investigates reported complaints (as from consumers or students), reports findings, and helps to achieve equitable settlements is ombudsman (Merriam Webster Dictionary) (Ombudsperson here at Indiana State University). This is an example of the gender bias that exists in the English language. The language is arranged so that men are identified with glorified and exalted positions, and women are identified with more service-oriented positions in which they are being dominated and instructed by men. So the language used to convey this type of male supremacy is generally reflecting the honored position of the male and the subservience of the female. Even in relationships, the male in the home is often referred to as the "man of the house," even if it is a 4-year-old-child. It is highly insulting to say that a 4-year-old male, based solely on his gender, is more qualified and capable of conducting the business and affairs of the home than his possibly well-educated, highly intellectual mother. There is a definite disparity in that situation. In American culture, a woman is valued for the attractiveness of her body, while a man is valued for his physical strength and his accomplishments (50).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marketisation of Education Essay

Marketisation is the policy of introducing market forces of supply and demand into education. When the Conservatives came in to power the felt Labour failed to create meritocracy and restructured the system. The 1988 Education Reform Act began the creation of an education market by encouraging competiotion between schools and choice of parents. Before the Education Reform Act, the system was based on The Tripartite System where different types of students would attend one of three different types of schools: Grammar, Technical or Secondary Modern based on the result of their 11+ result. Eventually, it was clear to see that the triparite system didnt focus on equality, as the poorer working-class students would automatically fail the 11+ (restricting them from going to a Grammar school which was intended for the bright and academic) and therefore their chances of success in the future was minimal. Hence, the Education Reform Act was introduced in 1988 under the Tory government introducing a range of measurement; which Ball termed it as the Marketisation of education. This involved a number of changes, such as the introduction of league tables, forcing schools to publish their exam results. The introduction of SAT’s into year 2, year 6 and year 9 at school so formal progress at all schools could be made and monitored and the introduction of the National Curriculum so schools had to teach the same things at the same time. OFSTED was also created so that schools, teachers and pupils were monitored and meeting national standards. Formula funding is an example of a policy where its aimed at creating an education market rather than to tackle inequality. This is where a school receives the same amount of money for each pupil. This can affect a working-class child’s education because if other schools have a higher funding because they are more popular and have better exam results that child is unlikely to get a place at that school and then end up at a less-popular school which has lower exam results because of its lack of funding due to its lack of pupils.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Marketing Concept for Environmental Welfare

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR MARKETING CONCEPT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL WELFARE From a long time ago, manufacturers are competing with each other to provide a product that can fulfill the needs of consumers. One type of product can be produced by various manufacturers. With so many manufacturers who produce things that can fulfill the needs of consumers, other producers with low marketability will automatically be eliminated from the marketplace because it is not chosen by the consumer. One of the ways to attract consumers to buy a product is to use the societal marketing concept.Societal marketing concept is the highest evolution form of marketing concept, where in addition to get a profit, manufacturers are also trying to improve the life of the community (Crane, Andrew, Desmond, & John, 2002). One of the example is the anti-mosquito aerosol Force magic, where the manufacturer states that the compound used in anti-mosquito aerosol derived from natural substances that are not harmful to humans. For c ompetitors Force magic, such as Baygon and Hit, does not seem to use the same content with the Force magic.Some aerosols are using the contents injurious to consumers, but proved to be more powerful than the other content. There is even one of the brands of aerosol mosquito which was being pulled out from marketing because they contain ingredients that are dangerous to health. Anti-mosquito Force Magic uses natural ingredients that repel mosquitoes effectively but not harmful to humans. The natural materials can disappear in the air and can be neutralized by mammals.We can see from the advertisement, a manufacturer of Force Magic also emphasized that anti-mosquito aerosol is safe for children, where children's health is one thing that considered by consumers who have a family. Consumers are essentially buying and using a product to satisfy their needs. However, with the societal marketing concept, manufacturers are not only provide products to meet the consumer needs but also provid es effect or another impacts that are useful for the welfare of consumers and the environment (Crane, Andrew, Desmond, & John, 2002).Would the consumers be more interested in buying products that are marketed by sales strategy of societal marketing concept? Societal marketing concept is the highest evolution form of marketing concept. Starting from the production concept, which assumes that all consumers would be more interested to buy products at low prices. Furthermore, the product concept assumes that consumers will buy the product with the best quality. Then there is the selling concept, which is a growing assumption that consumers will not purchasing a product if they did not get a hard persuasion .Subsequently there is marketing concept which emphasizes the rational consumer and intends that all the sales should be able to meet the consumer needs. Finally, the concept of product sales in societal marketing concept is in addition to profit. Beside that, the manufacturers are al so trying to improve the life of the community. Societal marketing concept intended to meet the needs of the target market in a way to support the welfare of society in general, but still implement the main goals of the company (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007).According to Maslow (Feist & Feist, 2007) humans have needs that stratified. Maslow's hierarchy of needs indicates the degree level of human needs. If the basic needs have not been fulfilled, the above needs can not be fulfilled. Maslow's hierarchy of needs starting from biological needs, followed by the need for love, and the need for security, the need for self-esteem, and the latter the need for self-actualization. Basically, consumers who have met the biological needs will try to meet next.If the urgent needs have been met, then the consumer will look for products with other things that could fulfill the higher needs. Therefore, consumers will be interested to choose a product, in this case the Force Magic, because it can eradica te mosquitoes and ensure the health of consumers and families. Consumers should feel happier and more motivated to buy the product because of the good impression posed by producers which helps the welfare of society.Logically, manufacturers will attract more interest of the consumer because by paying the same price to other products, consumers can get more profit. To apply the societal marketing concept, preferably all products must be in the category of desirable products. The manufacturers have to change the products they create in order to improve the life of customers in a short or long term. It requires many innovations and breakthroughs to make it.In the field of anti-mosquito aerosol, producers should do more research on ingredients which are effective to repel mosquitoes and harmless to human. Manufacturer must seek to emphasize the positive effects obtained from the use of the products and reduce the negative effects of these products. Therefore, manufacturers use societal marketing concept to sell their products. Beside the benefits from the sale, they also meet the needs of consumers and ensure their welfare. It is also the main attraction for consumers.Sales of products with the societal marketing concept can surely meet the needs of consumers directly and to guarantee the well-being of consumers in the future. Manufacturers have always wanted to get profit from the sale of its products. However, it should not make manufacturer forget about the customers. Manufacturers also have to consider the welfare of the consumer, which is the most important element in their sales. Manufacturers provide products that can fulfill customer needs and ensure the welfare of the community.Consumers will put a trust on the products and choose products that can guarantee their welfare. In that way, manufacturers can still achieve its main objective, which is to benefit, and ensuring the welfare of consumers. References Crane, Andrew & Desmond, John. (2002). Societal M arketing and Morality. European Journal of Marketing, 548-569 Feist, Jess & Feist, G. J. (2006). Theories of Personality 6th edition. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Schiffman, L. G. & Kanuk, L. L. (2000). Consumer Behavior 7th edition. USA: Prentice Hall International, Inc.

Global Soy Commodity Chain

Brazil is the second largest producer ot soy in the world Brazil's soy production mirrors the US and ADM's agribusiness production model. Genetically modified plants are used and pesticide protected. The soy industry has been profitable helping to strengthen Brazil's economy. However, soy production in Brazil has been the source of contention from groups like Greenpeace due to the destruction of Amazon Rainforest lands to grow soy as a commodity crop. Numerous active protests by Greenpeace to draw attention to forestation losses have led to laws in Brazil directed at this problem. PPA†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœs or Permanent Preserve areas have been instituted as Sustainability Law requirements for soy farms in Brazil. Europe was Brazil's top soy buyer until protests and attention came to the fact that the Amazon was affected by this industry. Ships carrying soy to Europe from Brazil were blockaded by Greenpeace. The European market for Brazil's soy also hinges on the use of Monsanto's geneticall y modified product. European soy consumers have banded against these products outlining their case against genetically modified soy. Their purpose is to keep Brazil's soy products GMO free.Increasingly, Brazilians do produce Monsanto GMO soy products and can sell this product easily to China. European response to this is to partner with farmers in Brazil, who do not produce GM products, much like fair trade organizations. Soy and Agribusiness have come under a great deal of criticism. Much of this is environmental, political, economic, and social. ADM's founders formed the industry with seemingly good intentions. â€Å"Solving the world's hunger† and â€Å"Supermarket to the World† are motto's that demonstrate the intention of the corporation.They have enjoyed a great deal of success and profitability churning out products that do, in fact, feed the world. However utilizing genetically modified plants and pesticides reduce the gamble a farmer makes; degrading the envir onment and employing less people to care for plants. Due to agro-industrialization â€Å"soybean production is almost entirely mechanized†. People are not employed in the task of farming but rather the science of genetic modification in the US and Brazil. ADM manages almost every part of the soy commodity chain their corporation constitutes over 70% of US soybean production.They work with US soy farmers and are involved with Latin American soy production. They have more than two hundred sixty five processing plants for raw materials like soy. Soy is sold and shipped by ADM, but it is also processed into many component products. Novasoy, a trademarked product of ADM, is a non GM derivative. Clarisoy is a protein product also marketed to manufactures like General Mills etc†¦ In their cosmetic marketing of soy ADM describes: â€Å"Nature provides some of the world's best personal care ingredients.ADM taps that potential, offering vegetable-based lipids, natural antioxidant s and soy ingredients that can give your products enhanced erformance†. Scientific advancements with agricultural products like soy are American staples of industry. Genetic modification for better or worse was an early advance and became successful economically. Now the science for agricultural products is geared to sustainability issues. Industry support for education and scientific advancement led to the development of the soy crayon that is better for the environment. Soy is a more sustainable resource than petroleum.The same can be said of soy derived fuels. This lessens the use of petroleum. Ford has a history of interest in plant derived resources for industrial products in the forties Ford built what is sometimes reterred to as a â€Å"soy car†. Soy ?ber was part ot a polymer ne developed for the body of this vehicle. It was not popular at the time, due to taxpayer dollars being invested in this type of research, and WWII insured that his agricultural industrial plans were put aside, however the modern day company picked up on this cue and developed foam for car seats that are used in new models.They have also egun using soy in place of petroleum on tires and expect to have a more sustainable car tire. The social trend and movement in soy agriculture is opposition to genetic modification and agribusiness. ADM has responded with organic and non GM products, they are a business and their success is contingent upon consumer demand. For those who consume soy products packaging and advertising like that of Silk soymilk products announce that they are free of GMO. The market for this type of product is growing as the issue of agriculture and agricultural products becomes more prominent.The historical context of the development of the soy commodity chain is interesting because the plant is Chinese in its origin and had little place in the Western world until this century. Currently, it is almost entirely produced in the Americas and exported in l arge quantities to its place of origin. As a Northern American, I am familiar with agribusiness. I saw ADM's â€Å"Supermarket to the World† commercials every Sunday in my childhood. I accepted that that this was a wholesome company, after researching this I understand the criticisms and consequences although I do elieve the founders of this system had good intentions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Extremism as failure of state policies Research Paper

Extremism as failure of state policies - Research Paper Example The failure of state policies also seems to imply that dissatisfied individuals may resort to actions which may be very much different from the ideals held by the majority and the state. Moreover, weaknesses in state policies also seem to give rise to extremist ideals, with these ideals being seen as the more efficient solution to government and political issues. This paper shall evaluate extremism as a failure of state policies. Considerations of groups operating outside of the parliamentary system entirely will be included in this paper. Extra-parliamentary extremism considers illegal means and processes beyond acceptable channels as a way to secure extreme viewpoints and values which are not part of the mainstream ideals (George and Wilcox, 1992). Under these considerations, violent acts of para-military groups occupying political positions in different parts of the globe would be evaluated. This discussion shall be carried out based on the rise of extremism in Mali, mostly in ter ms of the causes of such emergence, including the perpetuation of terrorist and similar violent acts in the country. Body Extremism, defined Wintrobe (2005) defines extremism as the ideology which is not within the accepted ideals of society. Extremism also contrasts with the ideals of moderation. Eatwell and colleagues (2012, p. 8) also discuss that extremism is â€Å"typically related to actions and value systems that lie beyond the moral and political centre of society†. This term has traditionally been associated with communism and radicalism, but after the Second World War, this term has been associated with totalitarianism and authoritarianism (Eatwell,, 2012). Viewpoints which were not within the prescribed government views were actually suppressed and controlled after the World War II. Despite the appropriate co-relation between the actions of these radicals and the definition of the term, those labeled as extremists and radicals have mostly rejected the label of extremism as they argue that their actions are being directed towards the western nations which are occupying their territory (Eatwell,, 2012). Therefore, they argue that they are in fact within their rights to defend themselves against interfering countries. Despite their protestations however, their actions have long been accepted as extremist and radical by the government and by the international community. Even as extremism seems to be largely attributed to acts of insurgent groups, legitimate authorities have nevertheless also utilized this tool in order to secure political goals. Extremism is not the exclusive province of radicals or government oppositionists as it has also been used by the government itself in order to secure and implement its policies (Boyd-Judson, 2011). Thatcherism in the British government was actually at one point extracted as a response to the Buskellite big state post-war consensus (Eatwell,, 2012, p. 9). Extremist Thatcherism was also apparent in the use of force in its war against Argentina and the use of force against internal opponents when the strength and power of the state failed to restore order. Political extremism has been discussed by various political writers, who, refer to this term as inclusive of fanatical mass movements, as well as the need for people to establish lines between what is acceptable and

Monday, October 7, 2019

The regulatory intervention that took place in the US post 2008 crisis Assignment

The regulatory intervention that took place in the US post 2008 crisis - Assignment Example There is a dichotomy between investor protection on one hand, and the need to have a government that does not interfere too much with the economy. The President Obama ended the era of investor protection enacted by President Roosevelt. As a result, uncertainty in the markets is created. Moreover, international companies bear the brunt of their presence in the United States. However, this act focuses more on systemic risk than its equivalents in other countries, such as Japan and Germany. As a result, the United States complies more rigidly with some of the G20 recommendations than other countries. Introduction Until 2007, the world experienced low inflation levels, high growth and an increase in international trade and movements of capital.1 Then in 2007, the housing markets started to collapse, as lenders began to default on their mortgages. However, soon defaults spread across other parts of the financial industry and in 2008, the United States entered a crisis whose consequences a re still felt today. The crisis spread globally, as many foreign banks invested in the American financial industry. 2 Consequences of the crisis were enormous. ... f the causes of the crisis being in the housing market and the ability of the housing market collapse to spread to other markets, and eventually affect the real economy as well. In short, due to such interconnectedness, there are multiple explanations of causes of the crisis: over borrowing and securitization of mortgages, inadequate financial regulatory structure and failure to properly foresee possible problems that might arise from recent financial innovations are main causes of the 2008 crisis. Though the Dodd – Frank Act (Act) was passed to address the 2008 crisis and prevent a future crisis of such a magnitude, the Act creates instability on the markets, and fails to address properly the international nature of the crisis, which will be further elaborated on in the paper. Causes of the 2008 Crisis As Reinhart and Rogoff put it, there was a lull in defaults, globally and domestically, before the 2008 crisis took place.4 However, the two authors note that the last lull was the deepest in the last two centuries of the American history. 5 The regulators created a weak regulatory system. Between 1990 and 2006, housing prices increased to an average of four times the yearly income of an average family two or three times previously.6 High housing prices led to high demand for construction workers, remodelling and real estate services. Moreover, the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 enabled banks to engage in investment banking, while banks could also act as insurers. Mortgage – backed securities were invented and sold freely. 7 In 2000, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act deregulated the derivatives market, which was used by banks to increase liquidity. 8 Risky homeowners were encouraged by the Clinton administration to acquire expensive homes, despite

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Airline Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Airline Industry - Essay Example It is very important for any organization to consider the PESTEL analysis before it can engage in marketing its products. This is more important in that it allows companies to plan their future. PESTEL analysis describes a series of macro-environmental factors, which are used in environmental planning. This paper looks at the impacts of government intervention in the airline industry in using PESTEL. It is very important of external analysis when doing a market research since it gives an overview of the different macroeconomic factors, which the industry has to take into consideration. Some of the Political factors considered are the taxation policy in the industry, the laws related to employment, trade restrictions, and regulations on the environment, tariffs, and political stability in the industry. Economic factors considered in this case are economic growth of the industry, changes in interest rates, changes in exchange rates of the industry, and the rate of inflation that affects the industry (Zhou, & Stuart 2008). Social factors considered in their case includes, cultural concepts of the entire industry, health consciousness of the industry, the rate of growth of the population, the distribution of age, careers attitudes in the industry and emphasis laid on safety in the airline industry. Technological factors are also considered in this case and includes environmental and ecological aspects, which determines the barrier to entry in the industry, the minimum level of efficiency and production in the industry which effect outsourcing decisions. Moreover, technology factors cover research and development activities the level of technology and automation incentives used in the industry rate at which technology changes in the industry (Sajeev 2012). PESTEL is a way of analyzing the different environments that affect the industry. Pestel deals with